Thursday, March 11, 2010

Welcome Spring

Things are finally starting to warm up and we are so excited. It has definitely been a long winter with nothing to do. I have to admit that the kids have watched way more Disney Channel than I ever thought I would let them, and even I have High School Musical memorized thanks to Allee. The beginning of the month began the warm up here. It is really odd that it is Spring here, we are used to still having to shovel snow in March.
The first day that it even showed signs of warmth the kids and I ventured into the backyard to look for treasures. Notice that it is not THAT warm, I still made the kids wear gloves and hats, but 50 degrees is nothing to stay inside for. There are squirrels EVERYWHERE out here and we have enjoyed watching them begin to dig up their nuts. We found hand fulls of eaten nuts and a few that we were able to break open ourselves and find out why the squirrels hadn't eaten them, the nuts had rotted. Allee even managed to find one lone dandelion poking out of the "grass".
Welcome Spring. We are ready.


  1. Pierce looks older! What a good mom you are, turning a walk around the backyard into an adventure even I would be excited to go on! Sounds so fun!

  2. I am so ready for Spring too! Our snow here is just about gone. I am in serious need of some vitamin D!

  3. Looks like a fun adventure! Allee and Pierce are really looking alike. We sure miss you guys! Livie reminded me today, "He calls you, "Avva!" That's what Piercer calls you."

  4. It looks like spring here too...for now! It's going to snow here, 6 inches!! Or so they say, you know how it is. Looks like your enjoying it!
