Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The End of Kindergarten

I cannot believe Allee is old enough to be done with kindergarten! She has grown and learned so much this year.
Her teacher: Mrs. Johnson
Her favorite food at lunch: Chicken Patty
Her favorite books: Junie B. Jones
Her favorite friend: Olivia Goth
Her favorite subject: Art
Allee is such a little smartie and we have loved watching her learn and grow this past school year. Bring on 1st Grade!


  1. Can you believe the whole year has passed already!?! I don't know about you, but this end of the school year snuck up on me like nothing has before.... I just don't know where the year went. Yay for 1st grade, Allee!

  2. Looking at these pictures I can't tell if she looks more like you or Derek? Either way what a cute little kindergarten graduate!
